Friday, April 5, 2019

The 46th President of the United States needs to be the antithesis of Donald Trump. America is at a critical point- the problems we face as a country are mounting. To tackle these issues the next president should possess an in-depth knowledge of policy and how the government operates. She needs to lead with compassion- caring for all Americans, especially the most vulnerable. She must come equipped with experience- prepared to deal with the looming threats that endanger our nation, such as climate change and the rise in white nationalism. The candidate that best embodies these qualities is Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Elizabeth Warren has frequently been labeled a “policy wonk” due to her deep understanding of domestic and foreign issues. Not only is she able to accurately pinpoint the underlying causes of problems, but she is also able to present comprehensive solutions. The Democratic primary has just begun; however, Sen. Warren has already started to showcase her affinity for policy. Since she announced her candidacy, Elizabeth Warren has unveiled a series of policy proposals. These detailed proposals give clear insight into how passing sensible legislation is at the forefront of her priorities. This is a stark juxtaposition to Trump’s vague and fickle policy stances.
The first policy proposal Sen. Warren revealed was her plan for universal child care. This plan would create government-funded daycares. Families would be charged on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 7 percent of their income. Daycare staff would be thoroughly trained and paid salaries similar to public school teachers. This plan would be funded by a wealth tax on families that have at least $50 million in assets. Early childhood care costs should not be comparable to college tuition.  In a country as rich as ours, affordable childcare should be an option for all parents, regardless of income. This proposal exemplifies how Elizabeth Warren intends to pursue legislation that benefits everyone, not just a select few. 
Although Sen. Warren is currently my first choice, it is still early. We must continue to observe the candidates and their campaigns in the months to come. The Democratic Primary is filled with strong contenders and I can’t wait to see it all unfold.

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